
Three locos neato
Three locos neato

three locos neato

Quality can be defined in many ways, but for the sake of this discussion, I am saying longer routes provide a more complete experience vs. The timetable just seems false with Trains terminating off map imo. I do also think though it isn't necessarily longer routes that people want it is complete routes with more than one train. If they had chose an earlier time they could of had all the diesels at their disposal while not looking out of place (Diesel Legends) or they could of chose to be fully electrified and had all the modern trains, baffling as to why they constrained themselves, to me at least. They chose the GWE when it was transitioning to be fully electrified. People are allowed to be disappointed, I don't think they were lazy I think it was a missed opportunity but what also got me was the era they chose which made little sense. I would have waited longer and paid more but seeing how DTG operate that was never going to happen, I'm so jealous of TS1. The GWE is essentially a straight from Bristol to Paddington and used to be the fastest route in the UK. Everyone has a route that means the most to them and GWE is that for me. As far as GWE, when I bought it I was disappointed with it just going to Reading.

three locos neato

DTG keep saying that making longer routes is not a problem, to a large extent auto generated but the problem as they see it is making them interesting.

Three locos neato